Piano time


In a dance of shadows and light, tangible keys lie at the mercy of ethereal hands. The music they produce is not of sound, but of raw emotion and dreamy reverie, whispering tales of realities just beyond our grasp. As fingertips near the ivory, they pull at the very fabric of the soul, weaving a tapestry of felt, yet unseen, melodies.

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An impressionist painting of male hands over a piano keyboard on a black background. The painting has realistic details in the hands and piano keys, with loose and fluid brushstrokes. The painting uses light and color to create a sense of depth and contrast.

Oil, canvas, 100×30 cm.

As an option, you may buy this artwork as an NFT at Foundation. I oblige to ship the original piece, while still in my possession, anywhere* in the world, as instructed by the bearer of the NFT token, for no additional cost. Please contact me if you have any questions.

*Artwork export/shipping restrictions may apply.

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